British Politics Society
British Politics Review
The British Politics Review is a journal that we publish quarterly. The society was founded in 2006 and now has a large back catalogue of journals.
We aim to garner interest in British politics as well as educating people about developments and historical facts. We know the British political system like many others is not a perfect one, and we write and accept opinion pieces. You can download and read previous issues by clicking here. Please subscribe if you would like to receive the British political journal direct to your inbox.
The current editorial team of the British political journal is made up by the Editor-in-chief is Řivind Bratberg. Atle L. Wold, Henry Allen and Kristin Haugevik are also members of the editorial team.

British Politics Meetings And Events
Typically, we cover pieces such as Brexit and the effects it has on England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The British Politics Society also hosts discussion events, such as the one held on 23 January 2018 where scholars from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway discussed implications of Brexit for the EEA countries. The event took place at Litteraturhuset in Oslo, and was chaired by Professor John Erik Fossum, ARENA. Those present included:
PANEL 1: Status of Brexit
- Christopher Lord, ARENA, University of Oslo
- Julie Smith (Baroness of Newnham), Dept. of Politics and International Studies, Univ. of Cambridge and the House of Lords
- Atle L. Wold, Dept. of Area Studies and European Languages, University of Oslo and Leader of British Politics Society
Panel 2: Effects on EEA countries
- Hans Petter Graver, Dept. of Private Law, University of Oslo
- Jóhanna Jónsdóttir, IIA, University of Iceland Christian Frommelt, the Liechtenstein Institute.
Get Writing
We are always looking for contributors for our journal, so drop us a line. We are happy to accept articles related to Britsh politics, so get writing.
You can let us know at the British Politics Society if you have an idea for a piece. Whether you would like to write about Brexit, the British Political system, political parties, a political leader, current news at either the House of Lords or Commons, or a historical article about political times or politicians, then we would love to hear from you.
The length of the post is up to you. We accept contributions from writers in Norway as well as British writers. Articles must be written in UK English. We look forward to hearing from you.